Labels:book | bulletin board | lodestone | reckoner OCR: 56 Fireball RANGE: LONG DURATION: AREA OF EFFECT: TARCE SOUARE fireball is an explosive blast of flame that damages everything in the target square The explosion does one to six points of damage for every level of the caster to maximum of LOth-level For example 10th level mage does 10-60 points of damage Haste RANGE: DURATION MEDIUM AREA OF EFFECT: ONF RECIPIENT PER CASTE EFVHL This spell causes all recipients to move and fight at double their normal rate (However the spell does not allow magic users to cast spells faster rate.) The spell's duration increases with the level of the caster Hold Person RANCE LONG DURATION: MEDIUM AREA O EFFECT: Up TOFOUR IARCETS This spell can affect humans demi-humans or humanoid creatures Creatures that are affected become rigid and unable to move or speak ...